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Entrepreneurship Academy 2016 - The 5 Dynamics of Entrepreneurship

03 Mar 2016

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Dr. Saimond Ip began his interactive and invaluable sharing by an in-class activity - asking the audiences to form several teams and give pitching for a ten million investment project. Through this, he explained the importance to be an entrepreneur and how to make your dreams or ideas into a viable reality. 

Dr. Ip explained the crucial factors to be a good entrepreneur and he introduced The 5 Dynamics of Entrepreneurship Model. At the core of the startup’s founder is the personal operation system (POS) of the entrepreneur. An entrepreneur needs to have a set of minimum root qualities: You need to stay lean and mean e.g. the founder of DHL started as a one-man band. Moreover, you need to be very passionate and committed as there are many problems you will encounter in your startup journey.

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