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AUTM Asia 2017 (23 - 26 Apr 2017)


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AUTM Asia 2017 was held first time in Hong Kong from 23 to 26 April 2017 at the Hong Kong Science Park and The University of Hong Kong (HKU) was one of the co-organizers for this special international event. This conference brought together renowned speakers from academic research institutes, universities academic, entrepreneurs and technology transfer professionals to address global issues on innovation and IP development, entrepreneurship and technology transfer in different regions, and trends in technology management and share their best practices and ways in tackling new challenges. 

HKU invited some renowned speakers which included Judge Randell Rader (our keynote speaker, former Chief Judge of the USA), Prof Teck-Seng Low (CEO, National Research Foundation, SG), Prof Tim Swager (Professor of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Tom Hockaday (Former Managing Director of Oxford ISIS), Prof Poh-Kam Wong (Director, Entrepreneurship Centre of National University of Singapore), Dr Jasemine Chambers (Counsel, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati, P.C.) and Mr Takafumi Yamamoto (President of Technology Licensing Organisation of the University of Tokyo) to deliver keynote speak and panel discussions hosted by Professor Andy Hor, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), HKU and Dr. SC Kim, Director of TTO, HKU. 

Over 300 participants from academia and industry, research academics and IP professional in Hong Kong and overseas attended this conference and benefited from the exchange of views in translational research and best practices at the panel discussions and networking sessions.

Interview by Phoenix TV on HKU research achievement


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