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Entrepreneurship Academy 2014 - Sharing Session by HKU Alumni


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This session was shared by HKU alumni, Vien, Timothy, Ricky and Jessica. 

Vien had been to Bordeaux for one year after obtaining the degree in Translation. During her postgraduate program in France, she understood that what she wanted to be. Also being inspired by her parents, she decided to be the entrepreneur by starting her own business by providing services of snapshot and party. Vien found that it was important to have a good division of work by different expertise. 

Timothy had great experience in holding tutorial class after school but found not easy to sustain a tuition center without doing marketing and finance well. With the enthusiasm in edu-tech, he founded an e-leaning platform after closing the tuition center. Timothy thought that team work was crucial, and people with different skills could work together to achieve the goal. Certainly, seeking advice from mentors was incredibly important too. 

Ricky shared with us of how to transfer from academic to business. He was a Phd candidate and determined to have a year off to start his company. He thought that 3D print with robotics could help a lot of disabilities and he believed that 3D print would be a future trend, he co-founded a 3D printing company with his friends. Ricky faced different challenges not only looking for funds, workplace and manpower, but also acquiring business knowledge and hardware skills. 

Jessica obtained the qualification of solicitor in England after the economic crisis, while she was looking for other opportunities, she started her own production company, to provide event support services and more than that, making good use of her professional to provide corporate consultancy services. In the sharing, she had addressed many legal issues that should be considered in a business.

After the sharing session, it’s not difficult to find out their common characters, they have passions and they are energetic, brave and strong, most importantly, no fear of failure. 

We are here to wish them a successful, wonderful and fabulous entrepreneur journey.

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