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Entrepreneurship Academy 2015 - Sharing Session on Startup Support


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This session was shared by Nest, Cyberport, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Corporation (HKSTP) and CoCoon.

Nest aims to help entrepreneurs succeed in startup and business expansion by investing seed capital and providing startup advice in marketing, strategy, and access to global industry networks. The unique mentor network in Nest can offer entrepreneurs valuable startup advice. Furthermore, Nest also helps startups with next round development, further fund raising and new market expansion. 

Cyberport’s mission is to nurture ICT industry startups, drive collaboration and create business opportunities. To complete this mission, Cyberport offers world-class facilities, funding schemes and incubating programs to entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply for the CCMF funding scheme which can help them build and test the prototype of their ideas. In the next stage, they are welcomed to join the 1-year incubation program which not only provides financial support but also provides mentors, facilities and investment connections necessary for startup.

Just like Cyberport, HKSTP also offers several full-service incubation programs to support technological innovation and commercialization. More importantly, HKSTP also supports biotechnological innovations. In the Incu-Bio program, the successful applicants can enjoy up to 860,000 HKD fund together with wet lab facilities. Furthermore, additional services including office space, mentorship and networking are also provided to facilitate the commercialization process.

CoCoon is an entrepreneurship community in which members can share their creative ideas and explore opportunities together. CoCoon provides networking resources and co-working space that can expedite the communication process. Cocoon also hosts monthly idea sharing and networking events for entrepreneurs, mentors, designers, engineers and investors, encouraging the next generation of startups. People who are creative, passionate and willing to share are welcomed to join the CoCoon community. 

To start up a business is not easy. These companies and organizations that provide financial support, business advice and skill training services would certainly be a reliable friend in the journey.

模擬房間練習處理危險工序(信報 2020年11月16日)


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