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Two HKU DreamCatcher companies win Gold and Silver prizes at the 2nd Asia Exhibition of Inventions Hong Kong


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Two start-up companies - RaSpect Intelligence Inspection Limited and High Performance Solution Limited, won a gold and a silver prize respectively at the Second Asia Exhibition of Inventions Hong Kong (AEI). Both were awardees of the HKU DreamCatcher 100K, an entrepreneurship seed fund scheme launched by the University of Hong Kong (HKU) to support students and young graduates to kick-start their startup ventures.

RaSpect Intelligence Inspection Limited won a gold award with its self-developed AI Inspection Technology. It is an AI-powered predictive inspection company for architecture which improves the safety of architectures and reduces possible economic loss and loss to human life, with the aim of creating a safer and smarter city. The company was an awardee of the HKU DreamCatcher 100K in 2017.

High Performance Solution Limited won a silver award with its innovation on Direct Thermal-Charging Cell (DTCC). It is a spin-off company from the University of Hong Kong supported by Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities. The company focuses on its own patented technology of thermally chargeable battery - direct thermal-charging cell (DTCC), for efficiently converting low-grade heat to electricity. It was an awardee of the HKU DreamCatcher 100K in 2018.

The Asia Exhibition of Inventions Hong Kong (AEI) is an exhibition cum competition exclusively devoted to inventions from Asia. All awards are selected by a group of veteran venture capitalists, investors and specialists to recognise the most worthy investable invention. Through exhibition and competition under one roof, global experts, inventors in industry showcase their breakthrough and versatile inventions and solutions to the world. The Second AEI, jointly organised by Hong Kong Exporters’ Association (HKEA) and the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva, was held from December 4 to 6, 2019.

The University congratulates them for their achievements and looks forward to their continuous contributions to society with their new innovative technologies.

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HKU’s patented technology “Flow-through hybridization” widely applied by biotech company listed in GEM of Shenzhen Stock Exchange


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